Oryginalna Ścieżka Dźwiękowa cz. 2 anime Haikyū!!.
Lista utworów[]
- Baby Bird (幼鳥 Yōchō);
- Outbreak of War (開戦 Kaisen);
- Wiping Out (払拭 Fusshoku);
- Super-Fast Quick (超速攻 Chō Sokkō);
- Fellows (輩 Tomogara);
- Central Pillar (大黒柱 Daikokubashira);
- Form of Strength (強さのかたち Tsuyo-sa no Katachi);
- Ground Warfare (地上戦 Chijō-sen);
- Playground (アソビバ Asobiba);
- The Battle Without Willpower (根性無しの戦い Konjōnashi no Tatakai);
- Substitute Support (土台代理 Dodai Dairi);
- Regret and Motivation (後悔と原動力 Kōkai to Gendōryoku);
- The Battle of the Little Giant (小さな巨人戦 Chīsana Kyojin-sen);
- The Losers (敗北者達 Haibokusha-tachi);
- Talent and Instinct (才能とセンス Sainō to Sensu);
- Limit Switch (極限スイッチ Kyokugen Suitchi);
- The Destroyer (壊し屋 Kowashiya);
- The Former Coward's Fight (元・根性無しの戦い Moto Konjō-nashi no Tatakai);
- Direct Confrontation (真っ向勝負 Makkō Shōbu);
- A Chemical Reaction of Encounters (出会いの化学変化 Deai no Kagaku Henka);
- Declaration of War (宣戦布告 Sensen Fukoku);