Haikyū!! Wiki
Haikyū!! Wiki

This is a list of all of the Haikyuu!! OSTs from Seasons 1-4, plus the openings & endings, all linked individually to Spotify.

The full playlist of just the OSTs are here!!!

Made by PrueShy

Different Translations[]

  • The View From The Summit / Top
  • Yearning = Longing
  • The Freak Quick = Weirdo Haste
  • Senpai's True Abilities = Senior Proficiency
  • Beginning of a Duo = Combination Birth
  • Looking Forward = Expectations
  • God-like Quick = Supernatural Haste
  • Conclusion = Settlement
  • Accustomed Strength = Become Strong
  • Confrontation with the Champion / King
  • Forms / Types of Strength
  • Beasts = Monsters (S4 CD1 Tr.6)
  • Monsters = Beasts (S4 CD1 Tr.9)
  • An Opportunity Accepted = A Chance To Connect

Openings & Endings[]

Season 1[]

Season 2[]

Season 3[]

Season 4[]

Season 1 CD 1[]

  1. The View From the Summit (頂の景色 Itadaki no Keshiki)
  2. Haikyuu!! (ハイキュー!! Haikyū!!)
  3. The Greatest Decoy (最強の囮 Saikyō no Otori)
  4. The King of the Court (コート上の王様 Kōto jō no Ōsama)
  5. Loser (敗者 Haisha)
  6. Yearning (憧れ Akogare)
  7. The Freak Quick (変人速攻 Henjin Sokkō)
  8. Breakthrough (突破口 Toppakō)
  9. Chemical Reaction (化学変化 Kagaku Henka)
  10. Senpai's True Abilities (先輩の実力 Senpai no Jitsuryoku)
  11. Huddle Up (作戦会議 Sakusen kaigi)
  12. It Doesn't Work (うまくいかない Umaku Ika nai)
  13. Trauma (トラウマ Torauma)
  14. Lonely (孤独 Kodoku)
  15. Kageyama Tobio (影山飛雄 Kageyama Tobio)
  16. Se-n-pa-I (セ-ン-パ-イ Se-n-pa-i)
  17. Anger (怒り Ikari)
  18. Hinata and Kageyama (日向と影山 Hinata to Kageyama)
  19. Goal (目標 Mokuhyō)
  20. The Strongest Ally (最強の味方 Saikyō no Mikata)
  21. Beginning of a Duo (コンビ誕生 Konbi Tanjō)
  22. An Interesting Team (面白いチーム Omoshiroi Chīmu)
  23. Oikawa Toru (及川徹 Oikawa Tōru)
  24. Powerhouse Schools (強豪校 Kyōgō Kō)
  25. With Each New Game (試合を重ねるたびに Shiai o Kasaneru Tabi ni)
  26. Teammate (チームメイト Chīmumeito)
  27. Expectations (期待 Kitai)

Season 1 CD 2[]

  1. Into the Fray (突入 Totsunyū)
  2. Evolution (進化 Shinka)
  3. Adults (大人たち Otona tachi)
  4. Worthy Opponent (好敵手 Kōtekishu)
  5. Kageyama vs Tsukishima (影山対月島 Kageyama tai Tsukishima)
  6. What It Means to "Connect" (繋ぐということ Tsunagu to iu Koto)
  7. Cat (ネコ Neko)
  8. A Bad Feeling (カンジワルイ Kanjiwarui)
  9. Moving Like Normal (通常運転 Tsūjō Unten)
  10. Winners and Losers (勝者と敗者 Shōsha to Haisha)
  11. Six Who Are Strong Are Stronger (6人で強い方が強い 6 Nin de Tsuyoi hō ga Tsuyoi)
  12. Frustration (悔しさ Kuyashi sa)
  13. Analysis (分析 Bunseki)
  14. Sakanoshita Shop (坂ノ下商店 Sakanoshita Shōten)
  15. Conductors (指揮者 Shiki sha)
  16. God-like Quick (神業速攻 Kamiwaza Sokkō)
  17. "1 Point" (“1点” "1 Ten")
  18. In The Thick Of It (粘り Nebari)
  19. "Brain" ("脳" "Nō")
  20. Impatience (焦り Aseri)
  21. Qualities of an Ace (エースの資質 Ēsu no Shishitsu)
  22. A Completely Unknown Playmaker (完全未知の司令塔 Kanzen Michi no Shireitō)
  23. Team Potential (チームの地力 Chīmu no Jiriki)
  24. Conclusion (決着 Kecchaku)
  25. True Feelings (本音 Honne)
  26. Become Strong (強くなれ Tsuyoku Nare)

Season 2 CD 1[]

  1. Deep Breath (深呼吸 Shinkokyū)
  2. "Above" ("上" "Ue")
  3. Confrontation with the Champion (王者との対峙 Ōja to no Taiji)
  4. Let's Go To Tokyo!! (レッツゴートーキョー!! Rettsugōtōkyō!!)
  5. Final Exams (期末テスト Kimatsu Tesuto)
  6. Failing Marks Group (赤点組 Akaten-gumi)
  7. Manager-chans (マネちゃんズ Mane-chan zu)
  8. Direct Sunlight (直射日光 Chokusha Nikkō)
  9. "Townsperson B" ("村人B" "Murabito B")
  10. Saeko-neesan (冴子姉さん Saeko Nēsan)
  11. Omnivorous (雑食 Zasshoku)
  12. Room to Grow (伸びしろ Nobi Shiro)
  13. "Greed" ("欲" "Yoku")
  14. Breakdown (決裂 Ketsuretsu)
  15. A Black Team (黒のチーム Kuro no Chīmu)
  16. Illusionary Hero (幻覚ヒーロー Genkaku Hīrō)
  17. A Reason (理由 Riyū)
  18. Moonrise (月の出 Tsuki no Shutsu)
  19. Initiative (主導権 Shudō-ken)
  20. Back in Action (再起動 Saikidō)
  21. Owl (フクロウ Fukurō)
  22. Watermelon (スイカ Suika)
  23. Gears (歯車 Haguruma)
  24. Let the Games Begin!! (試合開始!! Shiai Kaishi!!)

Season 2 CD 2[]

  1. Baby Bird (幼鳥 Yōchō)
  2. Outbreak of War (開戦 Kaisen)
  3. Wiping Out (払拭 Fusshoku)
  4. Super-Fast Quick (超速攻 Chō Sokkō)
  5. Fellows ( Tomogara)
  6. Central Pillar (大黒柱 Daikokubashira)
  7. Form of Strength (強さのかたち Tsuyo-sa no Katachi)
  8. Ground Warfare (地上戦 Chijō-sen)
  9. Playground (アソビバ Asobiba)
  10. The Battle Without Willpower (根性無しの戦い Konjōnashi no Tatakai)
  11. Substitute Support (土台代理 Dodai Dairi)
  12. Regret and Motivation (後悔と原動力 Kōkai to Gendōryoku)
  13. The Battle of the Little Giant (小さな巨人戦 Chīsana Kyojin-sen)
  14. The Losers (敗北者達 Haibokusha-tachi)
  15. Talent and Instinct (才能とセンス Sainō to Sensu)
  16. Limit Switch (極限スイッチ Kyokugen Suitchi)
  17. The Destroyer (壊し屋 Kowashiya)
  18. The Former Coward's Fight (元・根性無しの戦い Moto Konjō-nashi no Tatakai)
  19. Direct Confrontation (真っ向勝負 Makkō Shōbu)
  20. A Chemical Reaction of Encounters (出会いの化学変化 Deai no Kagaku Henka)
  21. Declaration of War (宣戦布告 Sensen Fukoku)

Season 3[]

  1. Volleyball is a sport where you're always looking up!!! (バレーは!!! 常に上を向くスポーツだ Barē wa!!! Tsuneni Ue o Muku Supōtsu da)
  2. The Battle of Concepts (コンセプトの戦い Konseputo no Tatakai)
  3. Greetings (ごあいさつ Go Aisatsu)
  4. Final Novices (決勝初心者 Kesshō Shoshinsha)
  6. The Guardian Deity of Karasuno (烏野の守護神 Karasuno no Shugoshin)
  7. The Halo Around the Moon (月の輪 Tsuki no Wa)
  8. Reason and Strength (理性と力 Risei To Chikara)
  9. Coherence (一貫 Ikkan)
  10. Obsession (こだわり Kodawari)
  11. Fistfight (殴り合い Naguriai)
  12. Vigilant Hostility (耽々 Tantan)
  13. The Road to the "Final Boss" ("ラスボス"への道 "Rasubosu" E no Michi)
  14. An Annoying Guy (嫌な男 Iyana Otoko)
  15. 1 Point (たかが1点 Takaga 1-ten)
  16. The Eve of a Full Moon (幾望 Kibō)
  17. One vs. Many (個VS数 Ko vs. Kazu)
  18. Shiratorizawa Academy High School Anthem (白鳥沢学園高校 校歌 Shiratorizawa Gakuen Kōkō Kōka)
  19. Battle of Stamina (スタミナ勝負 Sutamina Shōbu)
  20. Daytime Moon (昼の月 Hiru no Tsuki)
  21. The Volleyball Idiots (バレー馬鹿たち Barē baka-tachi)
  22. Next Battle (次の戦い Tsugi no Tatakai)

Season 4 CD 1[]

  1. PHOENIX -Brass Band Ver.- (PHOENIX -吹奏楽 Ver. - PHOENIX -Suisōgaku Ver.-)
  2. Offence and Defence (攻防 Kōbō)
  3. Ensnaring Net (包囲網 Hōi-mō)
  4. Engine (エンジン Enjin)
  5. Shaken (動揺 Dōyō)
  6. Beasts (けものたち Kemono-tachi)
  7. Haven’t Reached the Starting Line (スタート地点未到達 Sutāto Chiten mi Tōtatsu)
  8. Lost (迷子 Maigo)
  9. Monsters (妖怪たち Yōkai-tachi)
  10. Point of View (視点 Shiten)
  11. Level 1 Ball Boy (ボール拾いLv.1 Bōru Hiroi Lv.l)
  12. Hunger (空腹 Kūfuku)
  13. Enhancements (昂揚 Kōyō)
  14. Preparation (準備 Junbi)
  15. Eye-catch A -TO THE TOP- (アイキャッチ A-TO THE TOP- Aikyacchi A -TO THE TOP-)
  16. Back Together (合流 Gōryū)
  17. Transformation (変化 Henka)
  18. Awkward (ぎくしゃく Gikushaku)
  19. The Day Before (前日 Zenjitsu)
  20. Battle Lines (戦線 Sensen)
  21. Adjustments (アジャスト Ajasuto)
  22. Allies (味方 Mikata)
  23. An Opportunity Accepted (繋がれるチャンス Tsunagareru Chansu)
  24. Orange Court (オレンジコート Orenji Kōto)
  25. Everyone's Round 1 (それぞれの初戦 Sorezore no Shosen)
  26. Seagulls (カモメ Kamome)
  27. Got a Real Chance (脈アリ Myaku Ari)

Season 4 CD 2[]

  1. Inarizaki's Cheer ① (稲荷崎応援曲① Inarizaki Ōen Kyoku①)
  2. Inarizaki's Cheer ② (稲荷崎応援曲② Inarizaki Ōen Kyoku②)
  3. Atsumu Miya (宮侑 Miya Atsumu)
  4. Miya Twins (宮ツインズ Miya Tsuinzu)
  5. The Twins' Quick (双子速攻 Futago Sokkō)
  6. Disparity (格差 Kakusa)
  7. The Strongest Challengers (最強の挑戦者 Saikyō no Chōsen-sha)
  8. Found (見つける Mitsukeru)
  9. Leader ( Kashira)
  10. Pinch Server (ピンチサーバー Pinchi Sābā)
  11. Support System (後ろ盾 Ushirodate)
  12. Broken Heart (失恋 Shitsuren)
  13. Eye-catch B -TO THE TOP- (アイキャッチ B-TO THE TOP- Aikyacchi B -TO THE TOP-)
  14. Targeting Kenma (狙われた研磨 Nerawareta Kenma)
  15. Kozume Kenma's Stubbornness (孤爪研磨の根性論 Kozume Kenma no Konjō-ron)
  16. Trap ( Wana)
  17. The Birth of the Serene King (静かなる王の誕生 Shizukanaru Ō no Tanjō)
  18. The Guardian's Hero (守護神のヒーロー Shugoshin no Hīrō)
  19. The Evening Moon (月夕 Gesseki)
  20. Piton (ハーケン Hāken)
  21. The Threat of Trust (脅迫(しんらい) Kyōhaku (Shinrai))
  22. Anti-Miracle (アンチ奇蹟 Anchi Kiseki)
  23. Hunger is Contagious (空腹の伝染 Kūfuku no Densen)
  24. Monster's Banquet (バケモンたちの宴 Bakemon-tachi no Utage)
  25. A Day of Change (変化の日 Henka no Hi)