This is a list of all of the Haikyuu!! OSTs from Seasons 1-4, plus the openings & endings, all linked individually to Spotify.
The full playlist of just the OSTs are here!!!
Made by PrueShy
Different Translations[]
- The View From The Summit / Top
- Yearning = Longing
- The Freak Quick = Weirdo Haste
- Senpai's True Abilities = Senior Proficiency
- Beginning of a Duo = Combination Birth
- Looking Forward = Expectations
- God-like Quick = Supernatural Haste
- Conclusion = Settlement
- Accustomed Strength = Become Strong
- Confrontation with the Champion / King
- Forms / Types of Strength
- Beasts = Monsters (S4 CD1 Tr.6)
- Monsters = Beasts (S4 CD1 Tr.9)
- An Opportunity Accepted = A Chance To Connect
Openings & Endings[]
Season 1[]
- Imagination - SPYAIR
- Tenchi Gaeshi - NICO Touches The Walls
- Ah Yeah!! - Sukima Switch
- LEO - Tacica
Season 2[]
- I’m A Believer - SPYAIR
- Climber - Galileo Galilei
- Hatsunetsu - Tacica
Season 3[]
- Mashi Mashi - NICO Touches The Walls
Season 4[]
- Kessen Spirit - CHiCO with HoneyWorks
- Toppako / Breakthrough - SUPER BEAVER
- One Day - SPYAIR
Season 1 CD 1[]
- The View From the Summit (頂の景色 Itadaki no Keshiki)
- Haikyuu!! (ハイキュー!! Haikyū!!)
- The Greatest Decoy (最強の囮 Saikyō no Otori)
- The King of the Court (コート上の王様 Kōto jō no Ōsama)
- Loser (敗者 Haisha)
- Yearning (憧れ Akogare)
- The Freak Quick (変人速攻 Henjin Sokkō)
- Breakthrough (突破口 Toppakō)
- Chemical Reaction (化学変化 Kagaku Henka)
- Senpai's True Abilities (先輩の実力 Senpai no Jitsuryoku)
- Huddle Up (作戦会議 Sakusen kaigi)
- It Doesn't Work (うまくいかない Umaku Ika nai)
- Trauma (トラウマ Torauma)
- Lonely (孤独 Kodoku)
- Kageyama Tobio (影山飛雄 Kageyama Tobio)
- Se-n-pa-I (セ-ン-パ-イ Se-n-pa-i)
- Anger (怒り Ikari)
- Hinata and Kageyama (日向と影山 Hinata to Kageyama)
- Goal (目標 Mokuhyō)
- The Strongest Ally (最強の味方 Saikyō no Mikata)
- Beginning of a Duo (コンビ誕生 Konbi Tanjō)
- An Interesting Team (面白いチーム Omoshiroi Chīmu)
- Oikawa Toru (及川徹 Oikawa Tōru)
- Powerhouse Schools (強豪校 Kyōgō Kō)
- With Each New Game (試合を重ねるたびに Shiai o Kasaneru Tabi ni)
- Teammate (チームメイト Chīmumeito)
- Expectations (期待 Kitai)
Season 1 CD 2[]
- Into the Fray (突入 Totsunyū)
- Evolution (進化 Shinka)
- Adults (大人たち Otona tachi)
- Worthy Opponent (好敵手 Kōtekishu)
- Kageyama vs Tsukishima (影山対月島 Kageyama tai Tsukishima)
- What It Means to "Connect" (繋ぐということ Tsunagu to iu Koto)
- Cat (ネコ Neko)
- A Bad Feeling (カンジワルイ Kanjiwarui)
- Moving Like Normal (通常運転 Tsūjō Unten)
- Winners and Losers (勝者と敗者 Shōsha to Haisha)
- Six Who Are Strong Are Stronger (6人で強い方が強い 6 Nin de Tsuyoi hō ga Tsuyoi)
- Frustration (悔しさ Kuyashi sa)
- Analysis (分析 Bunseki)
- Sakanoshita Shop (坂ノ下商店 Sakanoshita Shōten)
- Conductors (指揮者 Shiki sha)
- God-like Quick (神業速攻 Kamiwaza Sokkō)
- "1 Point" (“1点” "1 Ten")
- In The Thick Of It (粘り Nebari)
- "Brain" ("脳" "Nō")
- Impatience (焦り Aseri)
- Qualities of an Ace (エースの資質 Ēsu no Shishitsu)
- A Completely Unknown Playmaker (完全未知の司令塔 Kanzen Michi no Shireitō)
- Team Potential (チームの地力 Chīmu no Jiriki)
- Conclusion (決着 Kecchaku)
- True Feelings (本音 Honne)
- Become Strong (強くなれ Tsuyoku Nare)
Season 2 CD 1[]
- Deep Breath (深呼吸 Shinkokyū)
- "Above" ("上" "Ue")
- Confrontation with the Champion (王者との対峙 Ōja to no Taiji)
- Let's Go To Tokyo!! (レッツゴートーキョー!! Rettsugōtōkyō!!)
- Final Exams (期末テスト Kimatsu Tesuto)
- Failing Marks Group (赤点組 Akaten-gumi)
- Manager-chans (マネちゃんズ Mane-chan zu)
- Direct Sunlight (直射日光 Chokusha Nikkō)
- "Townsperson B" ("村人B" "Murabito B")
- Saeko-neesan (冴子姉さん Saeko Nēsan)
- Omnivorous (雑食 Zasshoku)
- Room to Grow (伸びしろ Nobi Shiro)
- "Greed" ("欲" "Yoku")
- Breakdown (決裂 Ketsuretsu)
- A Black Team (黒のチーム Kuro no Chīmu)
- Illusionary Hero (幻覚ヒーロー Genkaku Hīrō)
- A Reason (理由 Riyū)
- Moonrise (月の出 Tsuki no Shutsu)
- Initiative (主導権 Shudō-ken)
- Back in Action (再起動 Saikidō)
- Owl (フクロウ Fukurō)
- Watermelon (スイカ Suika)
- Gears (歯車 Haguruma)
- Let the Games Begin!! (試合開始!! Shiai Kaishi!!)
Season 2 CD 2[]
- Baby Bird (幼鳥 Yōchō)
- Outbreak of War (開戦 Kaisen)
- Wiping Out (払拭 Fusshoku)
- Super-Fast Quick (超速攻 Chō Sokkō)
- Fellows (輩 Tomogara)
- Central Pillar (大黒柱 Daikokubashira)
- Form of Strength (強さのかたち Tsuyo-sa no Katachi)
- Ground Warfare (地上戦 Chijō-sen)
- Playground (アソビバ Asobiba)
- The Battle Without Willpower (根性無しの戦い Konjōnashi no Tatakai)
- Substitute Support (土台代理 Dodai Dairi)
- Regret and Motivation (後悔と原動力 Kōkai to Gendōryoku)
- The Battle of the Little Giant (小さな巨人戦 Chīsana Kyojin-sen)
- The Losers (敗北者達 Haibokusha-tachi)
- Talent and Instinct (才能とセンス Sainō to Sensu)
- Limit Switch (極限スイッチ Kyokugen Suitchi)
- The Destroyer (壊し屋 Kowashiya)
- The Former Coward's Fight (元・根性無しの戦い Moto Konjō-nashi no Tatakai)
- Direct Confrontation (真っ向勝負 Makkō Shōbu)
- A Chemical Reaction of Encounters (出会いの化学変化 Deai no Kagaku Henka)
- Declaration of War (宣戦布告 Sensen Fukoku)
Season 3[]
- Volleyball is a sport where you're always looking up!!! (バレーは!!! 常に上を向くスポーツだ Barē wa!!! Tsuneni Ue o Muku Supōtsu da)
- The Battle of Concepts (コンセプトの戦い Konseputo no Tatakai)
- Greetings (ごあいさつ Go Aisatsu)
- Final Novices (決勝初心者 Kesshō Shoshinsha)
- The Guardian Deity of Karasuno (烏野の守護神 Karasuno no Shugoshin)
- The Halo Around the Moon (月の輪 Tsuki no Wa)
- Reason and Strength (理性と力 Risei To Chikara)
- Coherence (一貫 Ikkan)
- Obsession (こだわり Kodawari)
- Fistfight (殴り合い Naguriai)
- Vigilant Hostility (耽々 Tantan)
- The Road to the "Final Boss" ("ラスボス"への道 "Rasubosu" E no Michi)
- An Annoying Guy (嫌な男 Iyana Otoko)
- 1 Point (たかが1点 Takaga 1-ten)
- The Eve of a Full Moon (幾望 Kibō)
- One vs. Many (個VS数 Ko vs. Kazu)
- Shiratorizawa Academy High School Anthem (白鳥沢学園高校 校歌 Shiratorizawa Gakuen Kōkō Kōka)
- Battle of Stamina (スタミナ勝負 Sutamina Shōbu)
- Daytime Moon (昼の月 Hiru no Tsuki)
- The Volleyball Idiots (バレー馬鹿たち Barē baka-tachi)
- Next Battle (次の戦い Tsugi no Tatakai)
Season 4 CD 1[]
- PHOENIX -Brass Band Ver.- (PHOENIX -吹奏楽 Ver. - PHOENIX -Suisōgaku Ver.-)
- Offence and Defence (攻防 Kōbō)
- Ensnaring Net (包囲網 Hōi-mō)
- Engine (エンジン Enjin)
- Shaken (動揺 Dōyō)
- Beasts (けものたち Kemono-tachi)
- Haven’t Reached the Starting Line (スタート地点未到達 Sutāto Chiten mi Tōtatsu)
- Lost (迷子 Maigo)
- Monsters (妖怪たち Yōkai-tachi)
- Point of View (視点 Shiten)
- Level 1 Ball Boy (ボール拾いLv.1 Bōru Hiroi Lv.l)
- Hunger (空腹 Kūfuku)
- Enhancements (昂揚 Kōyō)
- Preparation (準備 Junbi)
- Eye-catch A -TO THE TOP- (アイキャッチ A-TO THE TOP- Aikyacchi A -TO THE TOP-)
- Back Together (合流 Gōryū)
- Transformation (変化 Henka)
- Awkward (ぎくしゃく Gikushaku)
- The Day Before (前日 Zenjitsu)
- Battle Lines (戦線 Sensen)
- Adjustments (アジャスト Ajasuto)
- Allies (味方 Mikata)
- An Opportunity Accepted (繋がれるチャンス Tsunagareru Chansu)
- Orange Court (オレンジコート Orenji Kōto)
- Everyone's Round 1 (それぞれの初戦 Sorezore no Shosen)
- Seagulls (カモメ Kamome)
- Got a Real Chance (脈アリ Myaku Ari)
Season 4 CD 2[]
- Inarizaki's Cheer ① (稲荷崎応援曲① Inarizaki Ōen Kyoku①)
- Inarizaki's Cheer ② (稲荷崎応援曲② Inarizaki Ōen Kyoku②)
- Atsumu Miya (宮侑 Miya Atsumu)
- Miya Twins (宮ツインズ Miya Tsuinzu)
- The Twins' Quick (双子速攻 Futago Sokkō)
- Disparity (格差 Kakusa)
- The Strongest Challengers (最強の挑戦者 Saikyō no Chōsen-sha)
- Found (見つける Mitsukeru)
- Leader (頭 Kashira)
- Pinch Server (ピンチサーバー Pinchi Sābā)
- Support System (後ろ盾 Ushirodate)
- Broken Heart (失恋 Shitsuren)
- Eye-catch B -TO THE TOP- (アイキャッチ B-TO THE TOP- Aikyacchi B -TO THE TOP-)
- Targeting Kenma (狙われた研磨 Nerawareta Kenma)
- Kozume Kenma's Stubbornness (孤爪研磨の根性論 Kozume Kenma no Konjō-ron)
- Trap (罠 Wana)
- The Birth of the Serene King (静かなる王の誕生 Shizukanaru Ō no Tanjō)
- The Guardian's Hero (守護神のヒーロー Shugoshin no Hīrō)
- The Evening Moon (月夕 Gesseki)
- Piton (ハーケン Hāken)
- The Threat of Trust (脅迫(しんらい) Kyōhaku (Shinrai))
- Anti-Miracle (アンチ奇蹟 Anchi Kiseki)
- Hunger is Contagious (空腹の伝染 Kūfuku no Densen)
- Monster's Banquet (バケモンたちの宴 Bakemon-tachi no Utage)
- A Day of Change (変化の日 Henka no Hi)